The family unit is the backbone of our society and the place where we get to demonstrate our spiritual walk. Yet, we often neglect this great responsibility and opportunity to “practice” our faith. By doing this we also lose out on shaping our society and influencing the next generation. We may also be depriving ourselves of reaping any benefits of the promises, inherent in God’s word.
At our upcoming conference, we will be looking at an important subject as we explore “The Family of God — A Biblical View of the Family.”
We have often ignored the subject of family in the body of Christ. We have assumed because we are followers of Christ, that all is well with our family life — but we see the same (trending) comparable statistics with the “world” for divorce rates and broken homes.
Am I maximizing my singlehood? Am I applying God’s word to every aspect of my life? Am I investing in the emotional and spiritual upkeep of my marriage? Are my children coping with the challenges of family life, school etc.? Fortunately, the answers are in God’s word, but how do we put it into practice?
Our knowledgeable and inspired men and women of God are eager to share with us all, what the Lord has laid on their hearts.
Come out and be blessed.
Conference 2018 Highlights
Dear Friend,
If you have found these sessions beneficial, would you consider making a donation?
Thank you, and we pray as you continue, the Lord would enrich your time spent.
Harold Moore